Hi, I'm Jen. 

The Healthy Eating Formula For Smart Women was created to help time poor, confused women master their eating habits without any crazy restrictions.

My Story


After having my son, I really felt like I lost myself for a while. My diet and eating were terrible, I constantly craved sugar, I was tired all the time and I really didn't like what I saw in the mirror. My clothes didn't feel right, and I just felt out of control around food. I was hungry a lot of the time and couldn't work out why. Fast forward to today I am the healthiest, happiest and fittest I have ever been. To get here didn't come without mistakes, and lots of them but I learnt a lot about our eating habits as women as well and discovered why we often feel out of control around food. This course was created because when I finally wanted to make a change and make myself a real priority there was nothing out there with a step-by-step predictable method that would help me lose weight and improve my eating habits for the long term. This course is designed to give you clarity and to save you wasting time on things that don't actually work. The Healthy Eating Formula was designed for women by a woman who has been exactly where you are. The goal of this program is to empower you to make a positive change because you feel confident and in control and have a clear direction moving forward. I'll be holding your hand the entire way and we cover all the topics that you need!


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